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The Welcome Party

April 21, 2017

Ephaste at the Methodist Church in Bakewell meeting some of the supporters that came to welcome him on his first trip to Europe. Some of those present had been to Rwanda while others are people who support the G R Trust but may never travel to Rwanda.

Fundraisers in Castleton

April 22, 2017

Ephaste with four of the fundraisers in Castleton who helped purchase 'Castleton' and 'Peveril' - the cows purchased by the group who are hoping to travel to Rwanda in 2018 to meet the cows!

Ephaste at Cafe Rwanda

February 20, 2023

The Rwanda Cafe and Craft Fair is held once a month at Bakewell Town Hall.

Ephaste arrived in time to meet some of the stall holders.

A Trip to Whitby

April 24, 2017

For someone from Central Africa, an opportunity for a quick trip to see the ocean can't be missed. Here is Ephaste at Whitby with a whale bone and a thousand year-old Abbey.

All hail Ephaste

April 24, 2017

We made Ephaste get out of the car to experience ice falling from the sky in the form of hailstones. 

Sea and Snow

April 24, 2017

And another first - SNOW! You don't get much chance to throw a snowball in Rwanda, and even here in the UK it's pretty rare in April but there it was - not enough to make a snowman though :(


A Visit to Old Hall Junior School

April 25, 2017

Ephaste took part in a morning Assembly at Old Hall School which was led by Miss Lauren Thomas. He was personally able to thank the school for their support in providing a cow, lightening conductors and a suite of new desks to their link school in Rwanda.   Ephaste then visited several classes and answered questions posed by the children, before joining in a game of football at lunchtime and enjoying a roast beef dinner with the children.  He was presented with footballs, a frisby and skipping ropes to take back to Gitsimbwe Primary School - Old Hall's link school in Rwanda.

Assembly at Lady Manners Secondary School

April 26, 2017

Ephaste and Heather led the morning Assembly for 320 Year 10 pupils - talking about the work of the Goboka Rwanda Trust and the impact their work has on the lives of people in Rwanda.

After lunch they returned to meet with the Ethnic and Diversity Group - together with some of the pupils who had attended the Assembly - to hear Ephaste's story of his life as a 17 year old during the time of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda.

A Weekend in the West Midlands

April 27, 2017

On Friday the 28th April Ephaste travelled to Birmingham and The Queens Foundation Theological

College at Edgbaston where he went on a tour hosted by Rev Dr P Nzacahayo, a Lecturer at the College and fellow Rwandan.

From here Ephaste was collected by Rev Phil Hoar and taken for a weekend stay in Stourport on Stour, Worcestershire. Rev Hoar has visited Rwanda several times in recent years and is working with refugees in his area.

A busy time in the West Midlands

April 30, 2017

Ephaste had a busy time in the West Midlands visiting Leamore School, a Food Bank and the local Synod. A group from this area visited Rwanda in 2008 and they still visit and have links with a village in the Western Province.

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Meet Peveril

April 21, 2017

The visitors  Ellen, John, Helen and Peter meet Peveril and her owner Yulida Ntamwera  (far right) and her neighbour who will receive the calf Neliya Mukbubuve (second right)

Reconciliation Scheme

April 24, 2017

Peveril the cow forms part of the Reconciliation Scheme supported by the Trust - and was supported by group members from Castleton who are currently in Rwanda. The cow has recently calved and when a little older the lady on the right will reveive the calf from her neighbour.

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The 2018 Rwanda Visit

Farewell Rwanda

August 01, 2018

The 2018 group trip is nearly over - but as usual it has been adventurous, humbling and joyous to meet so many different people as we have travelled across 'the land of a thousand hills' - Rwanda really is a lovely country.

Educating Vestine

July 31, 2018

Heather also met a young lady called Vestine  - who is being educated by two of the Trust's supporters in the UK. She was accompanied by mum - so grateful for the opportunity Vestine has been given to go to a secondary school. Two years ago she came top out of 54 children in her regional exams - but her family could not afford to pay for any further education. Thanks to our friends she is now in secondary school, working hard, has a really good command of English and is making excellent progress. The whole family are absolutely overjoyed with the opportunity Vestine has been given.

Premier Gifts

July 31, 2018

The football tops and training gilets fit the seniors really well - and a game was soon in play with the new footballs.

Castleton comes to Jenda

July 31, 2018

Wednesday - our last full day - and on our way back to Kigali Vity we called at Jenda school - which has been supported by the group members from Castleton - who started their fundraising with the purchase of 'Castleton' the cow in 2017. Today they met her for the first time and learned that she is pregnant and will soon be producing milk - some of which will be given to the 1,200 primary school children and over 900 secondary pupils.
Sadly on the day we called most of the children had a holiday as it was a teacher training day - but a few of the older children greeted us and received gifts for the whole school from the visitors. When all the students return to school new photos will be taken and sent to us so we can see how the football kit, tabbards, footballs, cones and tennis balls have been received. And we are hoping soon to have 'baby Castleton' pics too!

Looking Sheepish

July 31, 2018

Our past two days have been spent amongst the livestock once again!
Tuesday it was the turn of sheep in Kabazungu and Cyanka - both places visited on previous visits - but now to pass on lambs to second beneficiaries. I know to us these may look like goats - but they really are African sheep as their tails turn down (goats tails turn up!)

Plenty of Pigs

July 29, 2018

42 pigs were presented to their new owners today - here are some who were willing to have their photos taken - with our Rwandan partner - Anastase - in their midst!

Ernie's Christening gift

July 29, 2018

This particular pig was purchased in England by a lady who gifted it to her Godson - named Ernie - for his Christening Day. So she now has this picture of Ernie the pig with her new owners!

Kivumu Welcome

July 29, 2018

Today we started our day up near the Congonese border presenting pigs to a new community at Kivumu - who seemed very pleased to welcome us with traditional dancing and singing. Click here to see a video of the welcome dancing.

Animal Magic

July 29, 2018

In our second week we are giving livestock in poorer communities.
On Saturday we travelled into a very rural area as we started our journey North, where gave sheep to second beneficiaries at Cyungo. The original animals had been presented 1 year ago.

Hardly a Wooden Performance

July 25, 2018

This - would you believe - was a Graduation Ceremony for Carpentry and Sewing Students - but as usual it kicked off with dancing - and our group members who were quite adamant that they 'didn't dance' last week, now suddenly seem to get their dancing feet. Click here to see the video.

Tiny Dancer

January 26, 2020

Singing and dancing day today as we dropped off medical supplies and knitting at Gishyata Health Post. Rhythm seems to come naturally and as soon as you learn to walk! Click here to watch the video.

Congo View

January 25, 2020

The group are now relaxing at Kibute on Lake Kivu - with a view across the water to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They will spend the night there before returning to Kigali tomorrow - and the next leg of the trip.

Kibogora Sewing School

July 23, 2018

These young ladies have been trained in a sewing school and now run their own business in Kibogora. They were delighted with our visit today - and we have some lovely purchases which will come back home and be sold at our monthly Cafe Rwanda.

And now introducing ...

July 23, 2018

Heather introduces the 2018 group at Kiburiro. Ellen, John, Helen and Peter are from Castleton and are visiting Rwanda at their own expense to see  the progress of the projects they have been supporting.

Heather Thomas Kaburiro Health Post

July 23, 2018

Here is Heather wearing the outfit which was gifted to her in August 2017 when she opened the new Health Post named after her.. Many people gathered again this year to meet the group.

Birthday gifts

July 23, 2018

At Katengera Health Centre  our visitors personally handed over the knitted goods which we brought out with us. These two very new babies - both born today - received little outfits from the ladies who had knitted them - together with two beautiful crocheted blankets donated from Bakewell. Our thanks go to so many ladies - from all over Derbyshire and beyond for their efforts in producing approximately 150 matinee sets and about 20 baby blankets - all now awaiting the new arrivals out here.

Cementing friendships

July 22, 2018

Today's second visit was to see the partly-constructed Reconciliation Centre at Gitsimbwe.
Churches from two adjacent Parishes in Sheffield - St John's, Abbeydale and Holy Trinity, Millhouses - have recently funded doors and windows for the Reconciliation Centre - which the visitors viewed today.
Heather was invited to mix cement and then point the latest window being installed.

Home from Home

July 21, 2018

In the evening the whole group were invited to a meal at the home of Heather's friends Mado and Nathan.

Castleton John

July 21, 2018

John, one of the group from Castleton led the worship of over 400 people with his keyboard skills. Greatly enjoyed by everyone.

Sunday Best

July 21, 2018

On Sunday the group attended Nyampinga church with lots of singing, bright colours and happy people. Here the church Sunday School are all smiles for the camera.

Reconciliation Scheme

July 21, 2018

The visitors  Ellen, John, Helen and Peter meet Peveril and her owner Yulida Ntamwera  (far right) and her neighbour who will receive the calf Neliya Mukbubuve (second right)

Meet Peveril

July 21, 2018

Peveril the cow forms part of the Reconciliation Scheme supported by the Trust - and was supported by group members from Castleton who are currently in Rwanda. The cow has recently calved and when a little older the lady on the right will receive the calf from her neighbour.

Good morning

July 20, 2018

Good morning from Rwanda! Our charity founder Heather is currently in Rwanda with a group from Castleton in the Peak District.

The picture show the wild landscape of Rwanda at Kibogora, in the Western Province.

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