New for 2023/24 - Welding Schemes
Some of the 20 plus students we are supporting on one of our Apprenticeship Schemes.
Here doors and windows are being produced in Rukambura. We also support 10 students at Kivumu.
Find out more about our Apprenticeship Schemes below

More about our range of supported Apprenticeship Schemes
As our work in Rwanda continues to expand, we find new areas where we might help people with additional skills. Once taught we very often find these skills are transferable and although we have supported sewing schemes for many years now, we have more recently introduced carpentry and bee-keeping skills. This enables largely the younger people to learn a trade and then sell their goods throughout their local area to earn a living. Self-sustainability is always our aim. To give a young person a skill develops their sense of worth and value in their community - it encourages them to want to stay put, improve their neighbourhood and the lives of those around them, rather than travelling further afield to seek work. Our sewing schemes have schools throughout the country - where mainly young girls come to learn a skill. The Trust funds trained seamstresses who teach 5 days a week on 12 month courses. The students are often those who have finished their basic education but whose parents/carers cannot afford to fund secondary education - this tuition leads them to job opportunities which may not otherwise be open to them.

Students who show great potential we support by giving a sewing machine, materials and cottons upon their graduation. Some have gone on to run their own businesses with small shops or market stalls where they produce items which are sold to the public - often to order. We clearly see that this training gives a job for life and enables that young person to improve their status and stability for the future. Our carpentry schemes attract mainly young men - but not exclusively - and again a trainer will offer basic skills learning to make wooden furniture, tools etc. We have then been able to offer tool kits to some who wish to progress further in this field. It was at the suggestion of one of the carpentry schools that we next looked at training bee-keepers - as the students made some bee-hives to be used in the community. We therefore supported a small number of students to go for training, which now enables these young people to produce honey, spin it and sell it on local markets - giving them a livelihood. Those who have been trained can then become trainers to others - and so our schemes replicate throughout various areas of the country. A recent generous donation - which was earmarked for educational purposes - has enabled us to look at further vocational training and seek teachers in welding, plumbing and electrical areas. As Rwanda continues to grow and develop, such skills are much sought after. Whilst we have initial funding for these schemes, your donation towards these Apprenticeship Schemes, will secure their future for many years to come - and allow further expansion into other skills areas in the future. It has always been the aim of the Goboka Rwanda Trust to support self-sustaining projects which can benefit whole communities - and we feel the skills offered on our Apprenticeship Schemes certainly ticks this box - and gives the youth of the country in particular an opportunity they might not otherwise get. The card of sponsorship with which this leaflet is enclosed, will contribute to our growing number of schemes and on behalf of those who will receive this very valuable training, I would like to thank you - as this truly can change their lives. Thank you again for your support and if you would like to help sponsor an apprentice please visit the online shop.

Graduation Day
The video shows the 2023 Graduation Ceremony in Western Province where 32 Carpentry and 27 Sewing graduates received their awards